Dianthus & Carnation


Carnation/Dianthus Screen (13 tests)




Alfalfa mosaic virus AMV ELISA
Arabis mosaic virus ArMV ELISA
Carnation etched ring virus CERV ELISA
Carnation latent virus                                 CLV ELISA
Carnation mottle virus CarMV ELISA
Cucumber mosaic virus CMV ELISA
Carnation necrotic fleck virus CNFV ELISA
Carnation ringspot virus CRSV ELISA
Impatiens necrotic spot virus INSV ELISA
Potyvirus group test POTY ELISA
Rhizoctonia solani Rhiz ELISA
Tomato spotted wilt virus TSWV ELISA
Tobacco streak virus TSV ELISA

The above listed tests are recommendations based on published findings, common requirements for international trade, and positivity trends observed in our laboratory over the decades. We encourage and actively work with our clients to customize their screens to best suit their needs.

Pricing is dependent on the test(s) requested and the number of samples submitted. Please contact testing@agdia.com for a quote.

Other tests available for carnation/dianthus are:




Beet curly top virus BCTV Isothermal Amplification (AmplifyRP)
Burkholderia glumae Bg ELISA
Carlavirus group test Carla PCR
Chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid CChMVd Hybridization
Nepovirus group test Nepo PCR
Peanut stunt virus PSV ELISA
Phytophthora Phyt ELISA
Plantago asiatica mosaic virus PlAMV ELISA
Potato virus M PVM ELISA
Potyvirus group test (Carnation vein mottle virus) POTY-F2 PCR
Strawberry latent ringspot virus SLRSV ELISA
Tomato bushy stunt virus TBSV ELISA
Tobamovirus group test Tobamo PCR
Tombusvirus group test (Grapevine Algerian latent virus) Tombus PCR