Soybean Pathogen Diagnostics
Our goal is to simplify pathogen detection so you can keep your crops healthy and focus on serving your customers. We offer a suite of molecular and serological test kits and services for the detection of pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi in soybean.
From field-deployable scouting tools to high-throughput, low cost laboratory kits, we have a test to meet your needs. Our top-selling diagnostic tests for soybean pathogens include:
- SVNV ELISA Reagents (Soybean vein necrosis virus)
- SMV ELISA Reagents (Soybean mosaic virus)
- BPMV ELISA Reagents or Full Kit (Bean pod mottle virus)
- AMV ImmunoStrip or ELISA (Alfalfa mosaic virus)
- TRSV ImmunoStrip®, ELISA Reagents or Full Kit (Tobacco ringspot virus)
- See all soybean pathogen test kits
Don't see what you're looking for? Ask us
Your samples, your results. Ship your samples to our Testing Services laboratory for rapid turn-around time on confidential results. We offer the most comprehensive portfolio of diagnostics for plant pathogens so you can mitigate disease and focus on delivering value to your clients.
- Check out our Bean Crop Screen
- Here is a list of all services offered
ImmunoStrip How To Video
Have a question about plant health or GMO testing? Can't find a product you are looking for? We have experienced staff dedicated solely to providing world-class support.
Phone: 574-264-2615 or 800-622-4342
E-mail: info@agdia.com for general questions & ordering, techsupport@agdia.com for technical product assistance or testing@agdia.com for questions about submitting samples to our Testing Services laboratory
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