Hosta Pathogen Diagnostics

Our goal is to simplify pathogen detection so you can keep your collection healthy. We offer a suite of molecular and do-it-yourself (DIY) serological test kits and services for the detection of pathogens in hostas.

Hostas are indispensable components of shade gardens throughout the United States.  Consequently, they have become one of the most economically important herbaceous perennials for horticulturalists, hybridizers and hobbyists.  Much of this plant’s popularity is due to the fact it is relatively free of diseases.  Nevertheless, several viruses can reduce the aesthetic value and overall vigor of these prized ornamental plants.  Hosta virus X (HVX) is a Potexvirus that is transmitted via plant-to-plant contact of infected plant sap during activities such as pruning or dividing plants.  This virus infects hostas only, and it is the most common virus detected on hostas throughout the Midwest and eastern U.S.  However, several viruses have been confirmed to infect hostas, and viral screens typically include seven in addition to HVX.

Viruses of Hosta included on typical screens are Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Hosta virus X, Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV), Tobacco rattle virus (TRV), Tobacco streak virus (TSV), Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV) and Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV).  Hosta growers should consider all suspects to make informed disease management decisions.


Your samples, your results. Ship your samples to our Testing Services laboratory for rapid turn-around time on confidential results. We offer the most comprehensive portfolio of diagnostics for plant pathogens so you can mitigate disease and focus on delivering value to your clients.




Have a question about plant health or GMO testing? Can't find a product you are looking for? We have experienced staff dedicated solely to providing world-class support. 

Phone574-264-2615 or 800-622-4342
E-mail: for general questions & ordering, for technical product assistance or for questions about submitting samples to our Testing Services laboratory



Test format: Find the best fit for you

See below for a breakdown of test format so you can decide which works best for you. Most of our friends from the hosta growing community choose ImmunoStrips as their format of choice due to their ease-of-use and ability to get a quick "yes/no" answer on whether their plant(s) are infected with the pathogen of interest.

Test Format


Best for


Easy to run on-site for immediate results.

Independently detects both viruses

No special lab equipment or experience required

Hobbyists & collectors

Field & greenhouse scouting


ELISA tests

Cost effective for large-scale screening

Good for high-throughput testing

Requires some lab equipment & training

Large-scale commercial use

with dedicated lab space

Testing Services
Hosta Screen

Submit your sample(s) to our ISO 17025-accredited

laboratory for a full Crop Screen

Confirmation of results

Covering all bases for pathogens

ImmunoStrip How To Video

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