
Peach Screen (11 tests)




Apple mosaic virus  ApMV ELISA
Cherry leaf roll virus CLRV ELISA
Hop stunt viroid HSVd Isothermal Amplification (AmplifyRP)
Peach rosette mosaic virus PRMV ELISA
Plum pox virus PPV ELISA
Potyvirus group test POTY ELISA
Prune dwarf virus  PDV ELISA
Prunus necrotic ringspot virus PNRSV ELISA
Tomato mosaic virus ToMV ELISA
Tomato ringspot virus  ToRSV ELISA
Xylella fastidiosa Xf ELISA

The above listed tests are recommendations based on published findings, common requirements for international trade, and positivity trends observed in our laboratory over the decades. We encourage and actively work with our clients to customize their screens to best suit their needs.

Pricing is dependent on the test(s) requested and the number of samples submitted. Please contact for a quote.

Other tests available for peach are:




Phytoplasma group test Phyto PCR
Phytophthora Phyt ELISA
Potexvirus group test (White clover mosaic virus) Potex PCR
Tobamovirus group test (Turnip vein clearing virus) Tobamo PCR
Trichovirus group test Tricho PCR
Xanthomonas Xan ELISA